Write on Wednesday is a great online writing community I have recently joined. Each week, exercises are posted, and bloggers add their link to the site. This week's exercise:
Write On Wednesdays Exercise 20 - Write the words " I thought I saw" at the top of your page. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Write the first words that come into your head after the prompt. Don't take you pen off the page (or fingers off the keyboard). Stop only when the buzzer rings! Do this exercise over and over if you wish. Write beyond 5 minutes if you like, you can link it up as an extra post.
I thought I saw...

I thought I saw a whale surface. Its back was glossy midnight. The waves swallowed it. I looked out again, and the white tips of the waves confused me. I turned back to my mother, who stood beside me. She had wiped her tears with her white, lace hanky, dirty with mascara.
"It's ok," I said, placing my hand on her elbow. She looked away, slumping her shoulders.
We had done this walk a thousand times, Mum and I. She loved whale watching, and she was equally thrilled when we saw a dolphin. But today nothing was going to impress her.
"It'll pass," I said, but she had walked on in front of me, and I don't think she heard.
I looked out across the ocean once more. I was now certain all I had seen was sea foam.